New Haven Football Officials Charities

The New Haven Football Official’s Charities, NHFOC, has been established with the primary goal to assist official’s financially in their time of need due to circumstances beyond their control. The NHFOC will also help others in need that are connected to the NHFOA through friendships and relationships or to the schools we service. There are special circumstances that are always considered. We also support Officials and their families or friends who participate and support local or national charities.
The NHFOC conducts an Official’s Night Out on the last Saturday of January each year, where the cost of a ticket provides beer, wine, soda, a DJ for dancing. And there is a raffle and a live auction for prizes donated by Officials and their associates. There is also a silent auction for sports memorabilia. This is the major fundraiser for the NHFOC at this time. And it is a good time for all officials and their significant others to meet and socialize.
If you know someone that is in need due to circumstances beyond their control, please Contact Us letting us know who is in need and why. The email is then sent to the NHFOC Committee for discussion and approval. Although we cannot solve everyone’s need we do what we can with what funds we have at the time. We will then either give a check to the individual who requested the funds to present it or we can mail it to the individual.
In 2017 , $20,000 was given to those in need. The organization has donated over $250,000 over the past 10 years.
 The only funds used for the NHFOC have been for legal fees for incorporating and for applying to the Internal Revenue Service. The NHFOC has been determined by the IRS to be exempt from federal income tax as a 501 (c) (3), non-profit organization.
 If you would like to help out the NHFOC, please feel free to help out at the January fundraiser by buying tickets and attending and donating raffle or live auction prizes. Or if you have other ideas or suggestions we are willing to hear them.
If you have any questions, please fill out the form on the Contact Us page and someone from the New Haven Football Officials Charities will contact you directly. Be sure to include your email address.
Bill Schule